The Construction Source Australia

The Construction Source Australia | how much it’s going to cost from the begin- ning. There’s no smoke and mirrors. We’re transparent in everything that we do, so our clients have every confidence that we’re look- ing out for their best interests.” Because of their commitment to ser- vice, Devrite has developed and maintained strong and positive relationships with their clients over the years.These days, almost all of the company’s business is generated through word-of-mouth referrals and recommenda- tions. “When clients first come to us, they’re all very dubious,” Jay says. “But by the time the project is finished, we’ve become friends.” Usually, Devrite is involved in a project right from the early stages. They start by sitting down with the client and discussing their lifestyle needs, then referring them to a designer that they think will best accom- modate those needs. From there, they come up with a plan that suits the unique require- ments of the client’s block. They proceed to take care of all planning approval, before constructing the home all the way through to completion. “Ron and I will be involved the whole way through,” Jay says. “We are the people who make the decisions, and we’re in con- stant contact with the clients. We keep them